OnePageCRM and Shopify in perfect sync.
We sync OnePageCRM and Shopify so you can focus on sales, not data entry.
OneShopSYNC is the easy way to connect Shopify and OnePageCRM.
Customer and order data from Shopify is automatically collected and sent to OnePageCRM so you can focus on growing sales, not data entry.
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How Does it Work?
OneShopSYNC is a proprietary web app designed to bridge the gap between OnePageCRM and Shopify. It's like a middle-man, using APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) to seamlessly transfer data from your Shopify store to OnePageCRM, ensuring up-to-date customer and order information.
Once OneShopSYNC is installed, it automatically syncs customer and order data every ten minutes. You can essentially "set it and forget it"— OneShopSYNC runs seamlessly in the background using API technology to collect key Shopify data and send it to OnePageCRM, saving you from manual data entry. Now you can focus on growing sales while OneShopSYNC ensures your Shopify store and CRM are always in sync.

OneShopSYNC collects key customer and order data from Shopify and sends it to OnePageCRM.
Every ten minutes, OneShopSYNC automatically collects key customer and order data from your Shopify store and sends it to OnePageCRM, ensuring your CRM contacts are always up-to-date.
If you use both OnePageCRM and Shopify, then OneShopSYNC is made for you.
Your Shopify data is automatically collected and sent to OnePageCRM.
Shopify data is created.
New data is created every time a Shopify customer or order is updated. OneShopSYNC automatically collects the data from Shopify and sends it to OnePageCRM.
We collect and send the data.
OneShopSYNC is like a middle-man, using API technology to automatically collect Shopify customer and order data and send it to OnePageCRM every ten minutes.
OnePageCRM receives the data.
OnePageCRM automatically receives the data from OneShopSYNC. Now your Shopify customer and order data is synced and up-to-date in OnePageCRM.